
9 AI trends to watch out for in 2023

George Denison
|October 24, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the hottest topics in tech right now. It's being used to power everything from self-driving cars to voice assistants, and it's poised to revolutionize industries across the world.

We've already seen AI make huge strides over the last few years — and there are many more exciting developments on the horizon. But what will AI look like in the future? And how can we prepare for these changes?

Unlocking the potential of AI

As AI continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, the race to master this technology is on. And the stakes are high. It's estimated that by 2030, AI will have a $15.7 trillion impact on the global economy.

In all likelihood, AI will be able to perform tasks that we once thought only humans could do in the not-too-distant future. More and more companies are investing in AI, looking to push the boundaries of what's possible with these new technologies.

There are many benefits to using AI tech. It can save businesses time and costs and provide valuable insights into customer behavior. In the research world, AI can help us make sense of complex data, generate new hypotheses and even discover new patterns that were previously hidden.

But with these benefits come new challenges. Prominent figures in tech, such as Elon Musk, have highlighted anxieties about the consequences of getting AI wrong. As we work more closely with AI, there are concerns about its impact on employment and education, as well as the potential for bias in algorithmic decision-making.

We need to understand how AI works — not just as an idea, but in practice. By continuing to advance and innovate in this field, we can ensure that AI continues to benefit society while mitigating its potential risks.

AI: Beyond the buzzwords

We hear about AI every day, often touted as the future of everything. But what is it? What does it mean to have an "intelligent" computer program? To answer this question, let's start by looking at the basics.

At its core, AI is all about machine learning — a process where a computer program is "trained" to perform a task using large amounts of data. The more data the machine has, the more accurate its decisions become. But the quality of data is just as important as the quantity. We need to ensure that the data we use to train machines is reliable and free from bias.

The most simple forms of AI are assistants that can help us schedule meetings, call cabs and answer questions about the weather. Think about the popular Alexa and Siri. More advanced forms of AI are being used to build self-driving cars and diagnose medical conditions. This is made possible by deep learning capabilities. Deep learning is like teaching a computer how to see and understand things, just like we learn to recognize objects and people around us. For self-driving cars, this means that the vehicle can recognize street signs and stoplights. By using cameras and other sensors, the car can analyze its surroundings and make decisions based on what it "sees."

That's why AI is so popular. That's why we hear about it all the time. It's more than just a buzzword — it's a technology that has the power to change the world.

The top 9 AI trends to watch in 2023 and beyond

AI is poised to transform the way we live, work and interact. In 2023 and beyond, we'll continue to discover how these developments will redefine technology, business, and society as we know it. For now, here's what we predict:

1. Natural language processing sees critical breakthroughs

Casually conversing with an AI used to be the realm of science fiction. But since chatbots like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard AI have exploded onto the scene, it’s fast becoming a normal part of our daily lives.

As natural language processing (NLP) becomes more advanced, talking with an AI will be more intuitive and natural. We'll see AI better understand context, sentiment, and even sarcasm — bridging the gap between human and machine communication.

2. More everyday tasks are automated

AI will continue to take more and more mundane and repetitive tasks off our hands. This will help speed up processes and allow people to focus on the more strategic and creative tasks that humans are still better equipped to handle.

Companies like Amazon are already playing around with more advanced AI automation. Sparrow, its latest warehouse robot, uses computer vision and AI in its warehouses to streamline its fulfillment process.

3. AI strengthens and disrupts cybersecurity

As cyber threats evolve, AI-powered cybersecurity will be our new line of defense. AI will help find, analyze, and counteract threats faster and more effectively — keeping our digital assets safer than ever before.

But it’s a double-edged sword. While AI can make our defenses more advanced, it can also be used to develop more sophisticated cyber threats and lower the barrier to entry for cybercriminals. So, it will be a source of disruption for cybercrime - and a vital tool to fight against it.  

4. Transparency becomes key to trusting AI

One of the biggest barriers to widespread AI adoption is transparency and trust. Would you let an AI drive your car or calculate how much you can borrow from a bank if no one can tell you how it works under the hood?

This is why explainable AI is a pivotal concept for AI’s future success. It will help demystify complex algorithms, enabling users to understand how AI makes decisions.

5. The need for speed drives AI to the edge

When it comes to AI applications, speed is everything. That's why edge computing is becoming increasingly popular. It allows AI applications to process data locally, which reduces latency and enhances real-time decision-making.

In other words, edge computing makes AI faster, more efficient, and more responsive to real-world situations. So, expect to see more companies fusing edge computing and AI tech.

6. AI applications take a quantum leap

As AI applications become bigger, faster, and more accurate, they’ll stretch the capabilities of most standard computers to their limit. But the power of quantum computing will push things further.

Google's breakthrough in quantum error correction has shown that quantum computing can solve complex problems and enhance machine learning algorithms faster than we ever thought possible.

Imagine being able to identify molecules for new medicines, create more efficient sustainable tech, and advance physics research in ways that we haven't even dreamed of yet!

7. Generative content continues to evolve

AI-generated content has been a hot topic in recent months. Thanks to apps like ChatGPT and DALL-E, people have been generating everything from work emails to surreal landscapes using simple text prompts.

Generative AI models have come with some teething issues. Details aren’t always accurate. Images can be uncanny. And chatbots have a tendency to hallucinate. But AI trainers will keep refining these models through human-in-the-loop feedback. And as they get better, we can expect to see generative content becoming more widely used for all sorts of applications.  

8. AI ethics and governance come to the fore

As businesses continue to embrace emerging technologies, the focus on ethics and governance will ensure responsible and ethical use. This will foster public trust in AI tools and help guide AI development in a way that benefits all.

If you're wondering what ethical principles should guide the development and deployment of AI, look no further than our AI ethics eBook. This quick guide will help you get to grips with AI ethical principles and ethical data collection.

9. Diversity becomes essential for AI to thrive

As the importance of diversity in AI models and training data gains attention, we'll see a stronger focus on addressing biases and ensuring fair representation. This will lead to more accurate and culturally sensitive AI systems. Without a diverse set of people and perspectives, the future of AI will be limited.

Final thoughts: Navigating the future

It's clear that AI's future holds exciting possibilities. But to fully embrace and realize the potential of AI, brands must strike a balance between innovation and ethics. This includes fostering an environment of collaboration, where businesses, researchers, and policymakers work together to develop guidelines and strategies for responsible AI use.

If we take the right approach, we can harness the power of AI to make our world a better, more exciting place.

With diverse and high-quality data sources, Prolific can be your trusted partner in navigating the intricacies of AI. By using our platform, you can access participants from around the world for human-in-the-loop tasks, while maintaining ethical standards. Sign up today to get started.